Janice Case
Region West Director for the National Center on Education and the Economy
Janice currently serves as the Region West Director for the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE). She works daily to design and support partnerships with district teams (from teachers through the superintendent) who are committed to ensuring equity, excellence, and efficiency across every level of the system.
A laser focus on building networks that break down silos between schools and districts is an integral role that Janice values. She does this by connecting leaders to other leaders with similar contexts, sharing research at national, state and local convenings, and by supporting leaders who aspire to learn more through NCEE’s Superintendent Alliance and Leaders Collaborative.
Janice’s understanding of systems of education was crafted early on in her roles from the classroom through school level leadership. Likewise, the work she does every day is influenced by her own experience as a student. Her birds eye vision of systems was also informed by her work with state and national organizations committed to supporting school leaders.
As someone who values practitioners contributing to the body of knowledge available to educators, Janice has tried her hand at writing for a few publications over the years. Notably her first (and so far only) book was published in 2016. From Power Struggles to Conflict Resolution: Transform Your School’s Culture Today is important to her because it is for school leaders and teachers and is designed to help change the conversation, and the culture, in a school using a practical case study/role play approach.