Sidd Vivek
President & CEO, Junior Achievement of San Diego County
As a first-generation American and self-described “latchkey kid” from Boston, Sidd has come a long way – literally and figuratively – to most recently being named one of the San Diego Business Journal’s 2022 CEO’s of the Year. From Boston to Washington, DC and now San Diego, his cross-country career has ranged from advocacy (local and national) to the development of direct-service programs. Throughout, Sidd continues to think globally and act locally. As President & CEO of Junior Achievement of San Diego County, Sidd and his team are focused on economically empowering underrepresented young people using experiential lessons and social capital to better understand business and money. Through programs across San Diego County and in their interactive 25,000 square foot facility, JA San Diego prepares students for the “real world”.